Friday, July 12, 2013

What's your baby going to look like?

So if you are anything like me I have not had a whole lot of experience with newborns at all! So what can you expect...well it seems you shouldn't panic if you don't like what you see right off. I mean this thing just got pushed out of know...things like your babies head may look pointy due to just coming out of the birth canal. The arms and legs may appear to be somewhat bowlegged due to being so constricted, dont fret these will stretch out in just a few weeks. The baby may lose a bit of weight in the first week but will begin to gain in the second week, and that umbilical cord takes about 3 weeks to fall off. The genitals and breasts of newborns look swollen due to the extra dose of hormones just before birth it will all go away in just a few weeks. This and other after birth abnormalities will go away in just a short amount of time. Even the eyes will not show their true permanent color for up to 6 months.

Bottom line is don't be surprised when it doesn't look the way you think. I am sure we will all think they are the most beautiful joys life can given us. The happiness will overshadow the initial worry but once you settle down and start to look at your baby just realize its only temporary and your baby is normal. You can begin to enjoy your new steps into fatherhood and start spending that quality bonding time with your newborn.

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