Friday, July 5, 2013

Two Pink Lines. Now What?

OK, so you just got the news you are going to be a father. Now what? Well first of all take a long slow deep breath. Over the next 9 months you are going to be experiencing a lot! With some time and preparation you can get through this pregnancy and do so with some grace. Today I just wanted to give a few tips I have recently read and feel they are very important in any and all pregnancy situations.

Tip #1:

Healthy Wife = Healthy Baby 

What does this mean? Well it may mean that those Chocolate Xtreme Blizzards from Dairy Queen may not be in your menu any longer. Those Mega Stuff Oreos that taste so good dipped in a glass of milk will have to go missing for a while. Nutrition and exercise is a vital role in a healthy pregnancy and is crucial to having a healthy baby. Help your baby mama get through this tough time of a healthier diet and exercise regime by committing to the same lifestyle changes and healthy decisions as the mother-to-be is embarking on. If this means you have to make sacrifices in your diet then do so. Don't be sitting over there with a tub of ice cream and then scald your wife because she doesn't want to eat her fruits and vegetables.  Make a meal plan together and stick to it! Not only will she have more energy during her pregnancy for eating right she will also be more prepared with that long labor battle to come. Exercise with your baby mama as well, some ideas especially this time of year are going on walks, swimming, low-impact aerobics, and water aerobics, the possibilities are pretty much endless. Find something you both like to do and do it together. Hopefully even after the baby is born these lifestyle changes will become part of both of your lives from here on out.

Tip #2:

You're pregnant too!

Well, sort of. You are just as much as part of this pregnancy as your wife is. Sure you aren't carrying the growing baby inside of your belly and you dont have to experience the symptoms but you need to be a part of the pregnancy as much as possible. If you do this right from the beginning then you will feel involved in whats going on, and it helps your baby mama realize that you are serious about this journey you are both are embarking on. This may mean that you learn about pregnancy, labor, and delivery and that you attend all the prenatal appointments you can possibly make it to. The more you learn and the more you attend these appointments you can begin to take an active role in the pregnancy by voicing your own questions and concerns that come to mind to the doctor. 

Tip #3:

Sympathy is the key!

You need to do your best to be supportive during these times with your baby mama. She is going through a lot of changes at this time. These changes can be both physical and emotional. As you know the thought of becoming a parent are both exciting and stressful. She may be thinking she wont make a good mother or you both may be worrying about money situations. You need to be a good listener and help reassure her that everything will be OK. Do not tell her to not express her emotions, just be supportive and listen and offer support. Stress is very bad for a pregnant mother and when she is stressed so is your baby so do your best to keep her calm, listen, and allow her to express her emotions. There will also be other discomforts in pregnancy including but not limited to morning sickness, tiredness, sore breasts, having to go to the bathroom all the time and weight gain. These symptoms are very much real and are not "all in her head." Being able to sympathize and understand these make her feel like absolute crap can help make her feel much better.

Tip #4:

Let's get it on!

Being able to keep the romance alive is very important in a pregnancy. Make sure not to neglect your baby mama and continue to take her out to lunch or dinner. Buy flowers for her and surprise her. Go to the movies or on a picnic. Take a leisurely walk in the evening. At some point in your pregnancy look into taking a Babymoon. Do not just sit on the couch and wait for 9 months to come around. If you are proactive in keeping the romance alive then its more likely to continue after the baby is born. We all know that us guys are wanting and thinking about one thing and if you have ever heard the expression "there is no such thing as a free lunch" then you know you have to work for what you want.    

Tip #5:

No ones perfect.

I know we have all heard this but its true. You wont be perfect in this pregnancy no matter how many books or tips you read. You are and eventually will mess up. The bottom line is its ok, it happens, allow yourself to learn as you go. You may make some big mistakes, everyone does, so just relax and enjoy this pregnancy together. Once this pride and joy arrives you will have alot of demands for your time and attention so take these months together to grow stronger as a couple.

I hope this has helped some of you in at least one way to better your preparedness for this journey. If you have any tips to help other new expecting fathers just list them in the comments section.


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