Friday, July 12, 2013

What's your baby going to look like?

So if you are anything like me I have not had a whole lot of experience with newborns at all! So what can you expect...well it seems you shouldn't panic if you don't like what you see right off. I mean this thing just got pushed out of know...things like your babies head may look pointy due to just coming out of the birth canal. The arms and legs may appear to be somewhat bowlegged due to being so constricted, dont fret these will stretch out in just a few weeks. The baby may lose a bit of weight in the first week but will begin to gain in the second week, and that umbilical cord takes about 3 weeks to fall off. The genitals and breasts of newborns look swollen due to the extra dose of hormones just before birth it will all go away in just a few weeks. This and other after birth abnormalities will go away in just a short amount of time. Even the eyes will not show their true permanent color for up to 6 months.

Bottom line is don't be surprised when it doesn't look the way you think. I am sure we will all think they are the most beautiful joys life can given us. The happiness will overshadow the initial worry but once you settle down and start to look at your baby just realize its only temporary and your baby is normal. You can begin to enjoy your new steps into fatherhood and start spending that quality bonding time with your newborn.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pinterest for Men?

Sorry I havent posted in a couple days I was out of town for work. Anyways, so I recently stumbled on a new and up and coming site called Tapiture. Tapiture is a new online community where people can compile the best stuff across the web in one place. I have found this to be a more "manly" pinterest. There is everything from humor to food. From fitness to gaming. Anything worth seeing you can think of its there. I will keep my eye on this site. You can follow people you find interesting and that you like the content they "tap."

You guys can follow my profile here: Alderdust

Monday, July 8, 2013

What's in a name?

So if you are like my wife and I we began picking baby names well before we found out we were pregnant. The choice is much harder than it would seem and agreeing on a name is a real challenge. We still haven't come to a decision. So how do you decide on what name is best? Well here are some tips to maybe help push you in a certain direction.

  • Make sure you like the name. I mean it should be obvious but make sure YOU and your wife like it and you aren't influenced by your friends or family. You will be the one hearing and saying it the most.
  • Say the name out loud....a lot. If it sounds funny out loud throw it out. Make sure it would sound good for both a child and as an adult. That cute name you pick for a kid is fine until they are a professional and not taken seriously due to the cutesy nature of their name.
  • Look at the meaning...if the definition is something you value go with that.
  • Consider the family names. It can be a real honor for someone to have a child named after them...if you don't like any of them then maybe look at a way to vary it.
  • You want to be different...but not too different. If it could be a challenge for an adult to spell or pronounce how do you think your child will feel trying to learn? or correcting people for their entire life.
  • Rhyme it....I know it sounds silly but kids tend to rhyme kids names when they choose how to pick on them....maybe double think naming your kid Rick...or Mitch. You get the idea.
  • Will it be shortened? Think about what it will sound like if the child or their peers decide to nickname them. If you name your kid Edward are you prepared to hear Eddie or Ed? If not rethink the name.
  • Let family traditions help but they aren't forced rules! Just because there are 10 Margaret's in your family doesn't mean you have to name your child Margaret.
  • Initials....What do they spell with first middle and last name? It may not be a big deal to most but its something to consider.
  • What me and my wife are going to do to help settle the dispute is I will be naming if its a boy and she will be naming if its a girl...of course we still have to somewhat agree. This helps prevent an off the wall crazy name from that book/movie I loved such as Gandalf or Severus Snape. 
  • Have a your baby is born and looks nothing like the name you decided have a back up just in case your baby looks more like a Colton than an Oliver.

Just remember that the child will have this name for the rest of their lives so think long and hard, but probably once you hear the one or look into that child's eyes you will just know its the one for your little pride and joy.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Taweret and Your Wifes Pregnancy Weight Gain

So I recently read about the Egyptian goddess Taweret who is the goddess of fertility and childbirth. She is depicted as a half pregnant woman, half hippopotamus. This was a conveyance of how women felt 3,000 years ago. Obviously the times don't change too much. As your wife progresses through pregnancy she will gain weight as she is expected to its good for your baby. A normal pregnant woman gains about 25 to 35 pounds, this isn't all on your wife that is. This includes the baby, placenta, amniotic fluids, increased fluid volume in the body, and enlargement of her breasts about 1 to 1.5 pounds each. (Can I get a hell yeah! Don't act like you aren't excited guys). So your wife will only end up gaining about 7 to 12 of those pounds. So what can you do to help her image of herself?

1. Tell Her She's Beautiful - She is going to get more curvy and voluptuous which is sexy as hell so make sure to let her know you think so. Help her feel good about the changes happening to her body.

2. Tell Her it's for Good Health - You need to reassure her that the weight gain is to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Help her separate "fat" from "pregnant."

3. Pamper Her - Bring her gifts and surprise her and do everything you can to make sure she feel special if this means flowers and a card do it. If this means a nice bubble bath and you cook dinner then do that. Whatever you can think of to make your baby mama feel special.

4. Think Before You Speak - Again I repeat...Think before you speak. I have been guilty of this more times than I can think but try to realize that being pregnant is an emotional ride for her and if she isn't in the right mood that joke or comment you made regarding her weight can quickly turn into something that hurts her feelings.

5. Don't Compare Her to Anyone Else - You dont like being compared to that Calvin Klein model that has the ripped abs and perfect physique so why would she like to be compared to other women or even other pregnant women. Realize that everyone is different so dont compare her to pregnant friends or even to what she use to look like before becoming pregnant.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Rub One Out!

So if your wife is anything like mine she LOVES massages! Whether she is pregnant or not. She always wants her feet and back rubbed. Lately my wife has been complaining of back aches and our doctor recently said my wife had Sciatica. Sciatica for those who dont know is pressure on the sciatic nerve that can cause pain down the leg due to the uterus expanding. In the third trimester as the baby shifts into the proper birth position it can put a lot of pressure on this nerve and it can be a bitch from what I have read. Anyways, I started to research some videos on good massages for pregnant women so that I may be able to help alleviate some of the pain my wife is in. I found a couple on youtube and decided to post them one is for just the back while the other is for the arms, thighs, and legs. Try to stay awake I know the music is soothing but they do mention some good stuff. The most important part is to make sure that she is comfortable at all times and not putting too much pressure on her belly. If you follow the links through the videos there are more on Face and Chest massages for your baby mama if she is having trouble in those areas.

I would love to hear on if anyone else's wife has experienced sciatica and what kind of things you did to help ease the pain.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Two Pink Lines. Now What?

OK, so you just got the news you are going to be a father. Now what? Well first of all take a long slow deep breath. Over the next 9 months you are going to be experiencing a lot! With some time and preparation you can get through this pregnancy and do so with some grace. Today I just wanted to give a few tips I have recently read and feel they are very important in any and all pregnancy situations.

Tip #1:

Healthy Wife = Healthy Baby 

What does this mean? Well it may mean that those Chocolate Xtreme Blizzards from Dairy Queen may not be in your menu any longer. Those Mega Stuff Oreos that taste so good dipped in a glass of milk will have to go missing for a while. Nutrition and exercise is a vital role in a healthy pregnancy and is crucial to having a healthy baby. Help your baby mama get through this tough time of a healthier diet and exercise regime by committing to the same lifestyle changes and healthy decisions as the mother-to-be is embarking on. If this means you have to make sacrifices in your diet then do so. Don't be sitting over there with a tub of ice cream and then scald your wife because she doesn't want to eat her fruits and vegetables.  Make a meal plan together and stick to it! Not only will she have more energy during her pregnancy for eating right she will also be more prepared with that long labor battle to come. Exercise with your baby mama as well, some ideas especially this time of year are going on walks, swimming, low-impact aerobics, and water aerobics, the possibilities are pretty much endless. Find something you both like to do and do it together. Hopefully even after the baby is born these lifestyle changes will become part of both of your lives from here on out.

Tip #2:

You're pregnant too!

Well, sort of. You are just as much as part of this pregnancy as your wife is. Sure you aren't carrying the growing baby inside of your belly and you dont have to experience the symptoms but you need to be a part of the pregnancy as much as possible. If you do this right from the beginning then you will feel involved in whats going on, and it helps your baby mama realize that you are serious about this journey you are both are embarking on. This may mean that you learn about pregnancy, labor, and delivery and that you attend all the prenatal appointments you can possibly make it to. The more you learn and the more you attend these appointments you can begin to take an active role in the pregnancy by voicing your own questions and concerns that come to mind to the doctor. 

Tip #3:

Sympathy is the key!

You need to do your best to be supportive during these times with your baby mama. She is going through a lot of changes at this time. These changes can be both physical and emotional. As you know the thought of becoming a parent are both exciting and stressful. She may be thinking she wont make a good mother or you both may be worrying about money situations. You need to be a good listener and help reassure her that everything will be OK. Do not tell her to not express her emotions, just be supportive and listen and offer support. Stress is very bad for a pregnant mother and when she is stressed so is your baby so do your best to keep her calm, listen, and allow her to express her emotions. There will also be other discomforts in pregnancy including but not limited to morning sickness, tiredness, sore breasts, having to go to the bathroom all the time and weight gain. These symptoms are very much real and are not "all in her head." Being able to sympathize and understand these make her feel like absolute crap can help make her feel much better.

Tip #4:

Let's get it on!

Being able to keep the romance alive is very important in a pregnancy. Make sure not to neglect your baby mama and continue to take her out to lunch or dinner. Buy flowers for her and surprise her. Go to the movies or on a picnic. Take a leisurely walk in the evening. At some point in your pregnancy look into taking a Babymoon. Do not just sit on the couch and wait for 9 months to come around. If you are proactive in keeping the romance alive then its more likely to continue after the baby is born. We all know that us guys are wanting and thinking about one thing and if you have ever heard the expression "there is no such thing as a free lunch" then you know you have to work for what you want.    

Tip #5:

No ones perfect.

I know we have all heard this but its true. You wont be perfect in this pregnancy no matter how many books or tips you read. You are and eventually will mess up. The bottom line is its ok, it happens, allow yourself to learn as you go. You may make some big mistakes, everyone does, so just relax and enjoy this pregnancy together. Once this pride and joy arrives you will have alot of demands for your time and attention so take these months together to grow stronger as a couple.

I hope this has helped some of you in at least one way to better your preparedness for this journey. If you have any tips to help other new expecting fathers just list them in the comments section.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Independence Day! This has been a crazy first half of the year especially finding out that we will be growing our family by +1 and that I will be becoming a father. I recently purchased a new book to help prepare me for fatherhood and being there for my wife while she is pregnant. I hope it gives me some good advice on how to be supportive and handle all the changes that will be going on in both our lives and with my wifes changing body and mood as Baby A grows inside of her. I will be sure to share any information that would be good advice for any father to be. I am hoping this blog will help both future fathers to be and those who already have children and just are looking for some advice or a place to go to see other dudes having the same issues.

That being said I hope all of you had a great first half of 2013 and hope the rest of the year is a BLAST! Go see some fireworks and have a beer for me!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hearing Baby A's Heartbeat!

So we ordered a Sonoline B Fetal Doppler from eBay ($56) and are very excited to try it out. It allows you to hear the babies heart beat. It comes with a tube of ultrasound gel and a display screen to show the babies heartbeat. My wife is very excited we had our 12 week appointment today and heard the heartbeat at 160 bpm. Here is a video of us finding the heart rate from home and hearing the life of our beautiful Baby A. Bottom line this thing is awesome and is gonna get a ton of use. You may have to turn the volume up some to hear it really well.

Here is a picture from our first ultrasound of Baby A during week 8.

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